Data Management System
AI for Organizational Optimization
Data-Driven Smart Viewer


Custom Data Management System tailored to enterprises

Optimizing the work environment
Data Management
Custom Macros
Data Visualization
AI-Generated Reports

A New Paradigm in Data Management


Optimizing business processesunto
By eliminating unnecessary procedures
Increased productivity

Manage only the data that fits your corporate processes
Hide/exclude unnecessary input from our process

Optimize business processes to enhance productivity by eliminating unnecessary steps

Manage only the data that fits your business processes.
Hide or exclude unnecessary inputs in our process.

Flexible and scalable
data management
Increased efficiency

Data can be managed by placing it where needed, in the right shape and name
Fields can be easily added and modified in an intuitive manner

Enhance efficiency through flexible and scalable data management

Manage data by placing it in the right location with the appropriate format and name.
Easily add and modify fields in an intuitive way.

custom macros As a function
By automating repetitive tasks
Cost savings

Provides custom macros to efficiently manage repetitive tasks
Consistent calculations are automatically summarized using the formula function

Reduce costs with custom macro functions.

Provide custom macros to efficiently manage repetitive tasks through automation.
Consistent calculations are automatically summarized with the formula feature.

Data statistics and visualization, etc.
Report support functioninto
Enhanced decision support

Statisticization of input data, graphs, widgets, risk matrices, etc.
Various visualization functions
Provides many convenient report functions, such as exporting selected data, dashboards, etc.

Enhance decision-making
support with robust report features, including data statistics and visualization

A variety of visualization features such as statistical analysis of input data, graphs, widgets, and risk matrices.
Multiple reporting conveniences, including exporting selected data, dashboards, and more.

Business processing speed and
Increased program adaptation speed

Increased business processing speed by eliminating unnecessary processes and inputs
Shorter program adaptation time for unskilled users

Increase work processing speed and program adaptation speed.

Improve work processing speed by eliminating unnecessary steps and inputs.
Reduce the adaptation period for inexperienced users.

Business and processEncompassing
custom template

Custom templates that encompass both business and processes

Plant Asset Management

Work, Equipment Management, Inspection Planning, Analysis, etc.

Environment / Safety / Health

JSA, JRA, Checklist, Work Permit, Work Status Sheet, etc.

Warehouse Management System

Inventory, Work Management, Inventory Survey Management, Lot Number Management, etc.

Manufacturing Execution System

Production Master Data, Production Planning, Work Performance Status, etc.

Quality Management System

Item Registration, Inspection Status, Management of Various Inspection Indicators, etc.

Customer Relationship Management

Sales Activity Status, Lead Status, Employee Targets and Visualization, etc.

Seamless integration and connectivity with a variety of external services

With various external services
Seamless integration and integration

Overview of Interoperability
BMEKS aims to integrate with various services and support the use of diverse APIs.
ATOP.DMS is well-suited for integrating and managing your existing ERP, BI, and specialized systems across various processes and industries.
While ATOP.BB and SDViewer are best aligned with DMS, they can also be integrated into other existing customer programs.

ERP, Asset Management System

Integrate and manage data across various fields such as finance, HR, and production by linking with ERP systems.
Manage asset data and inspection history through integrated asset data management.

BI Tool

Integrate and customize the placement of visualized data using BI tools like POWER BI, Tableau, and Qlik.

Drawings, Design System

Link design data with ERP systems by integrating with services like CAD and BIM.


AI responses optimized for your company, driven by real-time data.

AI responses optimized for your company and you,
AI based on real-time data

AI response for organizational optimization
Real-time data-driven AI.
Custom Reports

The Intersection of Productivity and AI Innovation.


Various DBs, With multiple solutions Easy to integrate

Integrate with solutions like SAP, Salesforce, and Microsoft Dynamics to naturally provide additional functionality without disrupting existing workflows
Companies enhance internal business support through chatbots while maintaining existing systems

Easily integrates with various databases and multiple solutions.

Seamlessly enhance your existing workflow by integrating with solutions like SAP, Salesforce, and Microsoft Dynamics, without disrupting your current processes.
Companies can strengthen internal support through chatbots while maintaining their existing systems.

Enterprise-tailored response - report outputinto
Enhanced decision support

AI response based on real-time company data
More appropriate responses and report output as data changes

Strengthen decision-making support with enterprise-tailored responses and report generation.

AI responses based on real-time company data.
More accurate responses and report generation in line with data changes.

personalizingProviding a better user experience

Provide a better user experience by setting the AI model, the level of detail of responses, and interaction styles
Security with data access classification and response based on the user's access rights by department or rank

Personalizing the User Experience.

Provide a better user experience by setting the AI model, the level of detail of responses, and interaction styles.
Ensure security by classifying data access and responses based on user department or rank.

Company information search and questionsIncrease work efficiency through

Provides organized content through enterprise projects and data searches
Complex questions are also processed by dividing them into several steps and then combining them to provide summarized information, making it easy to understand the work and investigate the company's data

Enhancing Work Efficiency through Corporate Information Search and Inquiry.

Provide organized insights by searching corporate projects and data.
Even complex queries are broken down into multiple steps, processed, and then combined to deliver summarized information, making it easier to understand business operations and investigate company data.

veracity improvements and trustworthiness improves

Add a fact-checking process to self-check AI responses and then provide results
Improve reliability and increase data accessibility by indicating the source of the data in the results

Accuracy Improvement and
Reliability Enhancement.

Enhance AI response reliability by adding a fact-checking process and providing results after internal validation.
Increase trust and data accessibility by indicating data sources in the results.

ATOP. SDviewer

Smart Process Management Focused on Drawing Objectification and Real-Time History Tracking.

Drawing Objectification
Real-Time History Tracking
Process Management
Inspection Record Management

Drawing Utilization and Markup Features in One Place.


After objectifying a drawing
Create and manage inspection records
Work more efficiently with

Show DWG layers as clickable objects on the web
It is possible to identify the status of each facility, pipe, and component on the drawing and create and manage inspection data
Digital twins can be built by linking with existing systems or by introducing Bimex's facility management system

Streamline work efficiency by creating and managing inspection records after drawing objectification.

Display DWG layers as clickable objects on the web.
Monitor the status and manage inspection data for each equipment, piping, and component directly on the drawings.
Integrate with existing systems or implement BMEKS's equipment management system to build a digital twin.

Create a Markup objectIntuitively identify specific matters by

Write and display on a drawing with input tools such as text, shapes, and curves
Markups can also be saved and modified as objects, and can be managed by version

Create a Markup object to easily and intuitively identify key details.

Use input tools like text, shapes, and curves to annotate directly on drawings.
Markup objects can be saved, edited, and version-controlled.

Security technology, SSO authentication

All drawing data and markup content are saved through the conversion and encryption process
Block outside access and viewing
Can be linked according to the customer's SSO policy

Security Technology and SSO Authentication

All drawing data and markup content are stored after going through converting and encrypting processes.
External access and viewing are blocked.
Integration is possible according to the customer's SSO policy.